We aren’t big fans of the status quo. 20 years of building brands has shown us which rules keep you on track, and which rules keep you boxed in. We help your brand to be braver. To rebel against the parameters that say you need to look and sound like everyone else.
We know you’ve got a unique value proposition just dying to get out. Liberate your brand and let it speak with authenticity, kicking off conversations that build genuine camaraderie and trust with the people you want to reach most.
We understand this is a big step for your business
Chances are, you’ve known your branding isn’t quite right for a while now. But there’s only so many hours in the day, and fixing your brand usually goes to the bottom of the to-do list. And who would you turn to for help anyway? If you’re going to pull the trigger, it has to be with the right people. We hope that your initial interactions with us go some way towards earning your trust and realising what’s possible. We’ll answer any questions you may have and be fully transparent with all pricing and recommendations. You’ll have our close attention, now and across the journey.
We aren’t big fans of the status quo. 20 years of building brands has shown us which rules keep you on track, and which rules keep you boxed in. We help your brand to be braver. To rebel against the parameters that say you need to look and sound like everyone else.
We know you’ve got a unique value proposition just dying to get out. Liberate your brand and let it speak with authenticity, kicking off conversations that build genuine camaraderie and trust with the people you want to reach most.
It starts with both of us
Making your brand better is a collaborative effort. We get to know you. You get to know us. Inside The Jam Jar, everyone is an equal. This isn’t just about us telling you what needs to be done. Your intel and IQ are vital and enrich the process as we uncover new ways and approaches.
A better brand reenergises your business.
A modernised brand does more than restore credibility or fix a perceptual problem. It cuts through. It gives people a reason to pay attention to your brand again, boosting your visibility.
You’ll feel the difference internally as well. It’s common for employees to draw energy from a revitalised brand. It can enhance internal culture and confidence, creating a ripple effect that propels operations throughout your entire organisation.